A successful Project Management approach must simultaneously manage the four basic elements of a project: resources, time, money, and most importantly, scope. All these elements are interrelated. Each must be managed effectively. All must be managed together if the project, and the project manager, is to be a success.
- Resources (People, equipment, material)
- Time (Task durations, dependencies, critical path)
- Money (Costs, contingencies, profit)
- Scope (Project size, goals, requirements)
Aldrich Consulting Services, Inc. uses the following steps to manage your projects:
- PROBLEM/PROJECT IDENTIFICATION This step entails a clear definition of the problem, opportunity, process or project to be addressed (measured) in this analysis, without reference to causes or solutions.
- PROBLEM/PROJECT CLARIFICATION If not already done, it is during this step that data is gathered, documented, and analyzed, including the who, what, why, where, when, and the reasons for selecting this problem. It is critical by the end of this step to identify main (root) causes, particularly as seen from the perspective of all problem/project stakeholders.
- ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Using the data on main (root) causes (not symptoms), identify an array of changes/actions to help in correcting, modifying, and improving the situation.
- SOLUTION Identify the chosen solution and describe the methodology used to arrive at this solution/recommendation.
- IMPLEMENTATION/TEST Develop and implement a plan (full scale or test) to carry out the solution.
- STUDY/EVALUATE/REVISE Measure the improvement that has taken place and assess the results.
For more details on how Aldrich Consulting Services, Inc. can assist in managing your next project, please contact us.